Using PPE

Learn why it is important to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on a thoroughbred farm and how to use it properly.

The Expert | Dr Michelle Maidment

Upon graduating the Royal Veterinary College in London in 2008, Dr Michelle Maidment moved to Australia to intern at Randwick Equine Centre. 

This was followed by a move back to the UK where she worked with sport and leisure horses at Lambourn Equine. Michelle then spent a year doing stud work in Newcastle.

Michelle has worked at Coolmore in the Hunter Valley since 2013. She enjoys seeing foals on the farm progress to racehorses and then return as breeding stallions and mares. 
"You learn something new every day that you work with horses."
Many thanks to our experts for sharing their methods of working with horses. Every farm will do things differently but remember, horses are individuals and you might use the knowledge you learn today to help a horse in the future.
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