The Horse’s Blind Spots

Learn how the horse’s vision effects how you approach and work with a horse.

The Expert | Cameron Bond

Cameron Bond and his wife Kellie Bond own and operate Kenmore Lodge outside of Toowoomba, Queensland. 
They offer clients full-time and seasonal broodmare agistment, yearling & sales prep. 

They also break in horses, do pre-training and prep two-year-old's for the horses in training sales. Graduates from their ridden program include G1 Stradbroke winner, Tyzone and G1 Queensland Oaks winner Winning Ways.

Cameron and Kellie both grew up working with horses at the track and with cattle. They are both National champions in campdrafting and rodeo.
"You learn something new every day that you work with horses."
Many thanks to our experts for sharing their methods of working with horses. Every farm will do things differently but remember, horses are individuals and you might use the knowledge you learn today to help a horse in the future.
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