A Horse’s Age

In this course you will learn how horses are aged differently in the Southern Hemisphere and in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Expert | Brenna Murphy

Brenna Murphy is the assistant manager at Noorilim Park in Victoria.

Originally from the UK, Brenna developed a love for horses during summer’s spent riding at a stable near her grandparent’s house in Wales. When she was 20, a family friend offered the opportunity to work with thoroughbreds and she’s never looked back.

In the UK, Brenna worked at the equine veterinary practice, Baker McVeigh, and on the breeding farm, Hazelwood Bloodstock. In New Zealand, she worked at Valachi Downs.
Brenna credits a stint in 2015 at New South Wale’s Attunga Stud with Brian Nutt while on a six-month, working holiday visa with getting her firmly cemented in thoroughbred breeding.

In January 2020, Brenna moved to Victoria to take the position at Noorilim Park.
"You learn something new every day that you work with horses."
Many thanks to our experts for sharing their methods of working with horses. Every farm will do things differently but remember, horses are individuals and you might use the knowledge you learn today to help a horse in the future.
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