Temperature, Pulse & Respiration

Learn how to use a stethoscope and how to measure the horse’s temperature, pulse and respiration rates.

The Expert | Dr Fiona Lacey

Equine reproduction veterinarian, Fiona Lacey, left school at 16 to work with racehorses.  After a number of years working at the track, she returned to high school and, in 1988, obtained a degree in veterinary studies.  

Fiona worked as a racetrack vet at Morphettville before moving to New South Wales to pursue her interest in equine reproduction. Fiona worked in New Zealand and England in various equine reproduction roles before returning to Perth.  
Fiona now runs an equine veterinary practice, Olive Grove Equine Clinic, from her stud, Mogumber Park outside of Perth, Western Australia, which she founded with her husband, Colin, in 2006.
"You learn something new every day that you work with horses."
Many thanks to our experts for sharing their methods of working with horses. Every farm will do things differently but remember, horses are individuals and you might use the knowledge you learn today to help a horse in the future.
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