Catching Horses & Letting Them Go Safely

Learn how to catch and let horses go in a stable, a paddock and when working with a single horse or with a group of horses. 

The Expert | Mick Malone

Mick Malone says he doesn’t know what his life would have been like without horses in it. After growing up on the Upper North Shore of Sydney, Mick went jackarooing on cattle stations where he developed a love of the horse. From there Mick went to work at Arrowfield, in New South Wales’s Hunter Valley.  Mick began at Kitchwin Hills in 2000 until purchasing his own operation, North in 2023.  

Mick prides himself on teaching his staff how to handle horses safely.
"You learn something new every day that you work with horses."
Many thanks to our experts for sharing their methods of working with horses. Every farm will do things differently but remember, horses are individuals and you might use the knowledge you learn today to help a horse in the future.
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